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A hand reaching up through a phone holding a small bottle with blood in it


  • Gout is a condition which causes pain and inflammation in the joints due to a build up of uric acid.

  • A uric acid, or gout test, can be helpful in determining if the cause of an inflamed joint is due to gout. It is also used to help monitor the effectiveness of regularly taken gout medicines such as allopurinol. 

  • It’s important to note that many people have high levels of uric acid but do not get gout attacks.

  • It’s also important to note that during a gout attack a uric acid test may appear normal and it can be useful to repeat it 3 weeks later.

  • You can find out more about gout here.

Book a Gout Test Online

Online Assessment

Completing this assessment helps us to understand your request further. Our doctors will review this information to ensure a lab test request is appropriate.

Tests included:

  • Uric acid

These are blood tests taken by venepuncture, blood draw with a needle.


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